Ellen was a successful city girl with a banking career and a lonely life since the death of her beloved mother. Suddenly a solicitor contacts her with the news that she had a grandmother, now deceased, and was the beneficiary of a property in Warburton. Ellen is heartbroken that her mother kept her family a secret all her life.
After renovating the old house and moving to Warburton, Ellen discovers that her previously unknown family held many secrets including a missing grandfather, a nasty older neighbour who seems to have run away with her mother thirty-five years earlier and disappeared into thin air, and that this nasty older neighbour may be her father.
White Lilies is a mystery with a touch of murder, romance and family history. From a lonely city girl with no family or ties, Ellen transforms her life into a happy country girl with a sense of belonging, and seeks to solve the mystery of the missing men in her family.

White Lilies – Kindle Edition
White Lilies – Paperback
Thought this was a really good book, loved the storyline. More interesting with location of the story, which gives some insights into the Aussie bush and history of the area.
Characters were well rounded and easy to like, the heroine’s journey from city girl to country was lovely, and I loved her dog!
Can’t wait for more from this author, and having also read “Viktoria” I would urge everyone to give that a try as well. Very different genre to “White Lilies” and an exciting read.
White Lilies – the idea
White Lilies was the first book that I wrote though the second one I published.
Many of us like to think that there may be a secret relative somewhere, unknown to us, that leaves a significant amount of money or estate to us when they pass on, not unlike when we are children, thinking that perhaps we are a kidnapped prince or princess growing up in normal society when there is a castle and country looking for us.
What if, there really was a secret relative who died and left a property to you, but there was a sad story attached to it? A relative that you wish you had known, who would have meant more to you than the bequeathed property?
Inheriting a country property would be life-changing in so many ways, and if it happened to a city career girl, what would the changes in her life entail? Then, I imagined a horrible family mystery that had kept the city girl separated from the relative that she should have known and loved.
Of course, it also had to happen in a town that I am familiar with, having worked my first job in Warburton after leaving school.
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